Please enjoy this relic from Freshman year (braces and all), shortly after trying hot fries (a classic public school delicacy) for the first time. WHAT RACHEL LISTENED TO ACROSS 4 YEARS OF HIGH SCHOOL, A PLAYLIST Freshman Year First Day of My Life by Bright Eyes: This song was what I listened to in the weeks preceding Freshman year, obsessing over the possibility that I wouldn't be able to make friends in this "big" public school. Happily by One Direction: I was still on that One Direction kick (weren't we all) and this song helped me through all those ~freshman problems~ that seemed so impossible at the time. Wait by M83: Are you recognizing the trend in depressing music? Was I really going through it that much? This song still stands to this day, though; it's honestly just super beautiful. Heartbreak Girl by 5 Seconds of Summer: I went to the 5 Seconds of Summer concert and got in trouble with security for being cree...